Open Source Software
Swissloop is constantly working on new applications to control our prototypes, evaluate and visualize logged data and make the life of every engineer simpler. In 2022, we decided to gradually open source some of our code on GitHub, because we believe that the work we do can potentially help other people in the Hyperloop community. Hence, we would like to encourage the open exchange of ideas and technologies with the whole Hyperloop community and ask you to join us by making part of your solution to the problems publicly available.
Please note that the programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The code is published under the GNU Lesser General Public License, GPLv3 or newer.
“Permissions of this copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications under the same license or the GNU GPLv3. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. However, a larger work using the licensed work through interfaces provided by the licensed work may be distributed under different terms and without source code for the larger work.”
Additionally, we kindly request you to not remove the “Based on Swissloop Software” comments in the code and GUI. In order to give credit to the original authors and the whole Swissloop association.

The control panel is used to display the telemetry data of the pod, configure parameters and display logged data. It provides a clear illustration of all relevant data with different approaches. This includes a graphical representation of the prototype, overlaid with colors indicating the states of the subsystems and the most important values. Further, a color-coded table is used to quickly spot non-nominal values. Additionally, the error module, displaying all error messages, proved very helpful during testing and drastically increases efficiency. Finally, the standalone mock server can be used to emulate packets from a virtual prototype to develop and test new features in the control panel.
Control Panel GitHub RepositoryHyperloop Research
Swissloop and our Research Partner the EuroTube Foundation ( are working on a large variety of research topics in the field of Hyperloop and related areas: Cooling Systems, Safety Systems, Structural Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Power Electronics, Communication & Control Systems, Mechatronic & Performance research and Use/Feasibility case studies.
The demand for air transport has more than doubled in the last 20 years and is growing yearly with about 6.5%. Global demand for cargo and passenger transportation can today barely be met – let alone sustainably. Vacuum transport can replace short to medium distance flights and can significantly reduce CO2 emissions. The market of high-speed transportation is a global megatrend set to affect our lives in years to come. We at Swissloop are pursuing long-term support for research and education in vacuum transport. In addition to our active team constructing and building a Hyperloop pod, we are starting various research projects at ETH in cooperation with EuroTube.
Bachelor, Semester & Master Thesis
We are always looking for support from students who would like to write a thesis in collaboration with Swissloop as part of their bachelor, semester or master thesis. You can approach us either with a specific project idea, or just with your general areas of interest. However, it is a prerequisite that the student independently arranges for a supervising professor from their university/college. In previous years, we had bachelor, semester and master theses under the supervision of:
- Prof. Dr. Luca Benini (ITET, IIS)
- Prof. Dr. Jasmin Smajic (ITET, IEF)
- Prof. Dr. Juerg Leuthold (ITET, IEF)
- Prof. Dr. J. Biela (ITET, HPE)
- Prof. Dr. Patrick Jenny (MAVT, IFD)
- Prof. Dr. Ulf Christian Müller (HSLU)
You can either work on a research topic, independent of the active team developing the prototype, or as part of the active team developing a specific subsystem as part of your thesis. If part of the thesis is to develop a system which will be included in a Swissloop pod, we expect that you continue your work with Swissloop as a freelancer during the testing phase after the duration of your thesis to oversee its inclusion in the pod.
With regard to the EHW 2023, the following topics can be pursued in one work.
- Estimation of the capital and operating cost of a Hyperloop track connecting Zürich and Paris
- Evaluation of the economic impact of a functional European Hyperloop system
- Optimal route planning for a European Hyperloop system in urban and suburban areas
- Cultural and economic impact of a functional international Hyperloop network
- Comparison of Hyperloop to various other modes of transport for international travel in terms of security and cost per passenger
- Evaluation of an underground Hyperloop system for international transport of goods in comparison to air transportation
- Risk Management for a Full Scale Hyperloop System
- Implementing Hyperloop tunnels into existing tunnel Systems
- The Hyperloop System and Stakeholders
- Hyperloop Station Zürich
Previous Theses
- Multi-Sensor Control System for a Transportation Vehicle in a Low-Pressure Environment (Carl Friess, 2018, Bachelor Thesis, git repository)
- Linear Induction Motor (LIM) for Hyperloop Pod Prototypes (Christopher Louis Timperio, 2018, Master Thesis)
- Aerodynamic Design of a Hyperloop Pod by Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis (Nathalie Nick, 2019, Bachelor Thesis, Journal Article)
- Cooling concept for Hyperloop pod prototypes (Manuel Häusler, 2019, Master Specialization Project)
- Development of a Control Unit for a Distributed Inverter (Yvan Bosshard, 2019, Semester Project)
- Inverter Design for Hyperloop Linear Induction Motor (Michael Rogenmoser, 2020, Semester Project)
- Transient Electromagnetic Simulations of Linear Induction Motors (LIMs) (Matthias Strässle, 2020, Semester Project)
- Design and Development of a Sensor Network Architecture for Hyperloop Vehicles (Luca Rufer, 2021, Semester Project)
- Analysis and Simulation of a Control Strategy for Levitating Linear Induction Motors (Burak Alp Kaya, 2021, Semester Project)
- Aerodynamic Analysis of a Hyperloop Pod in CFD (Nico Meier, 2022, Bachelor Thesis)
- Development of a Magnetic Levitating System for the Swissloop Pod (Giacomo Burani, 2023, Semester Project)
- Simulation and Manufacturing of a Phase Change Cooling Module for Low-Pressure Applications (Tim Aebersold, 2023, Bachelor Thesis)
- Commissioning of a Novel Radar Speed Sensor for a Hyperloop Prototype (Mohamed Sadfi, 2023, Bachelor Thesis)
- Development, Assembly and Testing of a Power Supply System for a Hyperloop Prototype (Hannes Stählin, 2023, Bachelor Thesis)
- Modeling the operating costs of an Hyperloop connection from Zurich to Paris (Adrian Zenklusen, 2023, Bachelor Thesis)
- Bewertung eines Hyperloop-Systems für den Gütertransport im Vergleich zur Luftfracht (Pinto Yepez Chayan, 2023, Bachelor Thesis)
- Development of Communication Library between FPGA and MCU for a Hyperloop Prototype at Swissloop (Tim Wyss, 2023, Bachelor Thesis)
- Prediction of Hyperloop Track Usage (Laura Egli, 2024, Bachelor Thesis)
- Assessment of Heat Management Strategies for Hyperloop Pods (Manuel Kälin, 2024, Bachelor Thesis)
Research Seminar on Hyperloop at ETH
Join us on some Wednesdays to shape the future of transport together. During our seminar, hosted by Swissloop and EuroTube, we present updates of our work, share important news and discuss problems and potential solutions. Students present their work and progress of their projects, and industry experts are invited for short insight talks. The seminar is open to all students, and you can join without application at one of the dates.
The Online Seminar is pre-scheduled and starts at 17:00 on Wednesdays. We are looking forward to meeting you online!