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Swissloop is an exemplary initiative that enables ETH students to put their classroom knowledge into practice. It is impressive to see what creative potential and entrepreneurial energy are unleashed and what engineering innovation is achieved when the Swissloop team turns creative and critical thinking (paired with interdisciplinary engineering expertise) into a new pod that competes at the highest international level every year anew.

Prof. Dr. Dennis KochmannSupervisor

The ability of critical thinking, the creativity to develop solutions for the problems found, and the entrepreneurial energy to implement those ideas into a marketable product are the salient features of ETH students. It is difficult to teach these skills directly, but they can be learned by working on interdisciplinary projects. Swissloop is a typical example of this approach, which has been successfully pursued at the MAVT department of ETH for twenty years now.

Prof. em. Dr. Lino GuzzellaProfessor of Thermotronics, ETH

The students in the Swissloop team are extremely goal-oriented and highly engaged in their fascinating project, which has enabled them to build up a talented and determined team in an impressively short time. I give them my full support in their endeavours to develop solutions for a future mobility concept and wish them the best of luck.

Prof. Dr. Sarah SpringmanFormer Rector of ETH Zurich


Swissloop is a student-led initiative with the goal of contributing to the research on and advancement of the Hyperloop technology and its application in the real world. To achieve this, we rely on the valuable contributions from our sponsors, who support us in technical, material and financial matters.

Are you interested in a partnership? Contact us for more information:

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