Join Us!
In order to push the mobility of the future and to realize the goal of finishing successfully at the competitions in the upcoming university year, we are looking for you!
What we offer you:
- Project work in a passionate team
- Broadening of your own horizon by dealing with material outside your area of expertise
- Opportunities for self-realization and applying your own ideas
- Transfer of high responsibility
What you should bring:
- Passion for new technologies and innovation
- Enthusiasm for teamwork and taking initiative
- Willingness to invest a lot of your free time in Swissloop
- Studying in the 3rd semester or higher
Your year with us will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will shape and advance you professionally and personally, and give you the opportunity to apply your skills and passions to an actual project and see the results.
You are very welcome to send us your application to
We look forward to hearing from you!
Type of Participation
Focus Project
Mechanical and electrical engineering students have the opportunity to do a focus-project in the 3rd year of their bachelors. The focus project has a duration of two semesters and coincides with one Swissloop season. Swissloop will recruit ten focus students via the official MAVT/ITET channels. Typically, we choose 4 – 6 students from mechanical engineering and 4 – 6 students from electrical engineering.
Bachelor, Semester or Master Thesis
We are always looking for support from students who would like to write a thesis in collaboration with Swissloop as part of their bachelor, semester or master thesis. You can approach us either with a specific project idea, or just with your general areas of interest. However, it is a prerequisite that the student independently arranges for a supervising professor from their university/college.
If part of the thesis is to develop a system which will be included in a Swissloop pod, we expect that you continue your work with Swissloop as a freelancer during the testing phase after the one-semester duration of your thesis to oversee its inclusion in the pod.
If you are not in the third year of your bachelors, or you would like to become part of the team independent of the focus project, you still have the opportunity to join Swissloop as a freelancer. A freelancer can apply for any engineering or operation position listed below, or can just express the desire to help in the project. While a freelancer offers to work for Swissloop in their free time, they have the opportunity to develop crucial skills relevant to their field of study. Additionally, they can gain insight into various disciplines of electrical and mechanical engineering and travel with us to various competitions and fairs. It is also a great opportunity to work on an engineering challenge in a large team. The expected workload for freelancers is 1-3 days per week for engineering positions, and around one day per week for operations and design positions.
Type of Positions
Typical positions are listed below and grouped into categories. Click on the heading to expand the different categories.
This list is for general information only and does not represent open positions. However, we are always confident that we can find a suitable solution if you are interested in something in particular.
Electrical & IT Positions

Job Description
As the vehicle control engineer of the Swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Choose sensors (e.g. for speed, acceleration, temperature, pressure, …)
- Readout of sensors
- Communication between other subsystems
- Provide a graphical user interface (“Control Panel”) on a laptop
- (wireless) interface between the pod and the Control Panel
To fulfill these requirements, you can design your own (low voltage) PCB and write the software for it (C/C++).
Related Interests
- Microcontrollers
- Coding in general
- Interest in PCB design
Related Lectures
- Technische Informatik
- Informatik I/II
- PCB design, testing and debugging (low voltage)
- Embedded programming (C/C++)
- Implementation of virtual finite state machines
- JavaScript/ Electron JS
- Communication protocols used in industry
- Data logging and post-processing

Job Description
As the power electronics engineer of the Swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Choosing HV inverter topologies & components for the needed applications
- Design and commissioning of power electronics PCBs
- Working with power electronics control to enable the hardware to work at its peak
In your role as a power electronics engineer, your primary responsibility will be to develop printed circuit boards (PCBs) that will drive both the propulsion system and the levitation and guidance systems of the pod. This will involve designing high-powered electronic systems, which are crucial components that provide power to the most critical parts of the pod.
Related Interests
- Power electronics
- Electromagnetism
- High power testing
Related Lectures
- NuS II
- DigiTech
- EM
- (Leistungselektronik)
- Complete design of a power system
- Power electronics design considerations
- PLECS simulations
- Designing high voltage PCBs
- Power electronics testing (procedures, safety-measures etc.)

Job Description
As a power electronics control engineer of the Swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Design and testing of a controls PCB
- Embedded programming
- FPGA programming
As a power electronics control engineer, it will be your responsibility to plan and execute control strategies and design the required control PCBs for managing the motor, levitation and guidance systems. Additionally, you will also be responsible for establishing communication between the power electronics control system and the vehicle control.
Related Interests
- Microcontrollers & FPGAs
- Embedded systems
- Controls of electric machines
Related Lectures
- Info 1/2
- (VLSI)
- Designing a PCB in Altium
- Controlling electric machines
- Coding C, C++ and SystemVerilog

Job Description
As the propulsion engineer of the Swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Motor design & manufacturing
- Structural integration of the motor
Apart from this you do a lot of electromagnetic simulations to find out the resulting force of the motor which you can optimize by changing the geometry and other parameters.
Related Interests
- Modeling in CAD
- Electromagnetic simulations
- Optimization
- Mechanics
Related Lectures
- Mechanik I & II
- Dynamics
- Physik I
- Elektrotechnik I
- Fundamentals of Electric Machines
- Materials
- Complete design of a subsystem
- Basics of electromagnetism and permanent magnets
- Electromagnetic Simulations
- FEM Analyses in Siemens NX
- Manufacturing possibilities
- Contacts in the industry

Job Description
As the levitation engineer of the Swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Levitation design & manufacturing
- Structural integration of the levitation
- Design and implementation of a levitation controller
Apart from this you do a lot of electromagnetic simulations to find out the resulting force of the levitation which you can optimize by changing the geometry and other parameters.
Related Interests
- Modeling in CAD
- Elektrotechnik
- Electromagnetic simulations
- Magnets
- Optimization
- Control Systems
Related Lectures
- Mechanik I & II
- Dynamics
- Physik I
- Elektrotechnik I
- Materials
- Regelungstechnik I & III
- Complete design of a subsystem
- Basics of electromagnetism and permanent magnets
- Electromagnetic Simulations
- FEM Analyses in Siemens NX
- Manufacturing possibilities
- Contacts in the industry
- Controller Design

As the power supply engineer of the Swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Choose the form of energy storage (batteries, supercapacitors…)
- Design and testing of monitoring and control PCBs for the Power Supply
- Design of precharge and discharge circuits for the inverters
- Operation and safety of the Power Supply System
- Communication with the Vehicle Control Unit
To fulfill these requirements, you can design your own (low voltage/high voltage) PCB and write the software for it (C/C++).
Related Interests
- Microcontrollers
- Coding in general
- Interest in PCB design
Related Lectures
- Technische Informatik
- Informatik I/II
- Nus I/II
- PCB design, testing and debugging (low voltage/high voltage))
- Embedded programming (C/C++)
- Implementation of virtual finite state machines
- Communication protocols used in industry
- Data logging and post-processing
- Forms of energy storage
Mechanical Positions

Job Description
As the structures engineer of the Swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Housing of the pod
- Make sure the pod withstands all forces
- Overall appearance of the pod
Apart from this you have a lot of contact to sponsors which are related to manufacturing carbon fiber including milling and laminating. They are the experts from whom you will learn a lot and from whom you can get inspired by. You can choose what kind of structure you want to build in the first half of the year and in the second half you get a hands on experience of manufacturing the parts you have designed.
Related Interests
- Mechanics
- Carbon Fiber
- Lightweight Construction
- Aerodynamics
Related Lectures
- Mechanik I & II
- Leichtbau
- WuF
- Materials
- Structural simulation of carbon fibers
- Modeling of complex aerodynamic shapes in NX
- Carbon fiber manufacturing
- Deeper material understanding
- Contacts and insights in the carbon fiber industry

Job Description
As the track engineer of the swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Design Track with all required interfaces for the pod (Suspension, Guidance, Levitation, Propulsion, Brake)
- Design Track with appropriate stability and stiffness
The track subsystem is the interface between the pod and the environment. Therefore, the first semester contains a lot of talks and brainstorming with the different subsystem engineers to find proper interfaces. Additionally, you will do structural analyses to ensure that the track withstands all different forces and does not bend too much. Depending on the project goals, the track can be equipped with a lot of interesting and challenging features such as lane switching, track sided propulsion or integration into a vacuum tube.
Related Interests
- Creative solution finding
- Modeling in CAD
- FEM analyses
- Big and heavy stuff
Related Lectures
- Mechanik I & II
- Werkstoffe und Fertigung
- Finding optimum solutions regarding interfaces, stability, manufacturer’s interests and costs
- FEM analyses
- Modeling in CAD
- Contacts in industry

Job Description
As the integration engineer of the swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Integration and packaging of all subsystems into the pod
- Safe and reliable distribution of power and data
- Mounting of all electrical components
- Electro-magnetic-interference (EMI) Mitigation
- Other optional tasks like the design of the battery box, the mounting of the motor or the thermal management
Related Interests
- Modeling in CAD
- Carbon lamination
- Mechanics and basics of electrical engineering
- Good organization and overview
Related Lectures
- Elektrotechnik 1 & 2
- Mechanik 1 & 2
- Get an insight of carbon manufacturing
- Expand your knowledge in NX Siemens
- Enhance your organization skills
- Understand the pod in the bigger picture
- Get in touch with people from the industry

Job Description
As the aerodynamics engineer of the swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Evaluation of aerodynamic behavior of the pod
- Aerodynamic optimization of the outer skin
- Overall appearance of the pod
In this position, you are working closely together with the structures engineer. Together you design and produce the carbon parts.
Related Interests
- Aerodynamic phenomena
- Optimization
- Carbon fiber
- Lightweight construction
- Fluid dynamics simulations (CFD)
Related Lectures
- Fluiddynamik I & II
- Leichtbau
- Setting up flow simulations
- Modeling of complex aerodynamic shapes in NX
- Carbon fiber manufacturing
- Deeper understanding of air-flow
- Analysis of simulation data
- Insights into the carbon fiber industry

Job Description
As the suspension engineer of the swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Design of suspension and guidance system
- Guidance and suspension / damping of the pod
Together with the levitation engineer, you are responsible that the pod moves properly along the track and that no components inside or around the pod get harmed. There are a lot of different ways to design such a suspension, and therefore this job offers great opportunities to be creative during the design process.
Related Interests
- Suspension / damping of vehicles
- Mechanics
- Modeling in CAD
Related Lectures
- Mechanik I & II
- Dynamics
- Complete design of a subsystem
- Basics of suspension / damping of vehicles
- FEM analyses in Siemens NX
- Contacts in industry

Job Description
As the aerodynamics engineer of the swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Evaluation of aerodynamic behavior of the pod
- Aerodynamic optimization of the outer skin
- Overall appearance of the pod
In this position, you are working closely together with the structures engineer. Together you design and produce the carbon parts.
Related Interests
- Aerodynamic phenomena
- Optimization
- Carbon fiber
- Lightweight construction
- Fluid dynamics simulations (CFD)
Related Lectures
- Fluiddynamik I & II
- Leichtbau
- Setting up flow simulations
- Modeling of complex aerodynamic shapes in NX
- Carbon fiber manufacturing
- Deeper understanding of air-flow
- Analysis of simulation data
- Insights into the carbon fiber industry

Job Description
As the Brake engineer of the swissloop team, you are responsible for the following points:
- Design of the braking system
- Bring the pod to a full stop safely and reliably
In the first weeks of the project, you can brainstorm possible solutions and different braking actuation possibilities such as pneumatic, hydraulic, electromagnetic and others. The design of the brakes then gives you a good insight into the field of pneumatics, hydraulics or electromagnetic, depending on what you choose. Additionally, the braking system offers a lot of possibilities to design nice milling parts and to be creative during the design process. In the second semester, you will be responsible to assemble the system and to do different tests to ensure that the braking system is safe and reliable. Throughout the whole project, different motivated sponsors are more than ready to help and to brainstorm ideas together with you.
Related Interests
- Mechanics
- Modeling in CAD
- Pneumatics, hydraulics and / or electromagnetic (no previous experience required)
- Lightweight construction (not a main part)
Related Lectures
- Mechanik I & II
- Dynamics
- Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik
- Fertigungstechnik
- Complete design of a subsystem
- Basics of pneumatics, hydraulics and / or electromagnetism
- FEM analyses in Siemens NX
- Manufacturing possibilities
- Contacts in industry
Operation & Design Positions

Job Description
As the webmaster, you are responsible for:
- Maintaining the homepage
- Keeping the team page and sponsored up-to-date
- Help to prepare and releasing the latest news
Collaboration with team members is essential to integrate their suggestions and ideas. This role provides an opportunity for creative individuals to gain valuable insight into the operations of Swissloop. While previous experience with WordPress, HTML, JavaScript and CSS is beneficial, it is not required, and the necessary skills can be acquired during the project. The position offers a lot of freedom and space for creativity.
Related Interests
- Web development
- User experience (UX) design
- Online marketing
- Experience in website management with WordPress
- Help to create promotional materials and annual reports

Job Description
As the Photographer and or Videographer, you are obviously responsible for creating content which is used:
- On the website
- Social Media
- Newsletter
- Roll-ups
- Private and public presentations (e.g. at ETH)
You are free to embrace your creativity and have the chance to take photos of highly engineered parts. Additionally, you can make a reportage of the engineering students designing, manufacturing, assembling and testing the pod.
Related Interests
- Photography
- Videography
- Color grading and post-processing
- Deepening the craft of photography/videography
- Handling of sometimes difficult light situations

Job Description
As the industrial designer, you are responsible for:
- Creating a visually appealing outer form of the pod
- Designing some parts of the pod
- Create futuristic renderings and animations of the pod
In this position, you can freely embrace your creativity, visualizing the Hyperloop technology of the future. This is a great way to show the world what potential this technology has to offer and how it could look like.
Related Interests
- CAD modeling
- Renderings and animations
- Team work
- Enhancing or learning modeling, rendering and animation skills

Job Description
As the Creative Director, you are responsible for:
- Creating creative content for Swissloop and for the events related to it (Booklets, flyers, goodies,…)
- Finding creative ways to communicate for Swissloop
Related Interests
- Design (Graphic design is a +)
- Communication
- Creative softwares
- Knowledge of the creative process behind the creation of a printed product
- Finding creative solutions to keep Swissloop communication dynamic and fresh every year
- Respecting sponsors demands in terms of communication

Job Description
As the Partnership Manager, you are responsible for:
- Identifying potential partners and sponsors for Swissloop
- Establishing and maintaining relationships with existing partners and sponsors
- Negotiating partnership agreements and sponsorship packages
- Working closely with other team members to ensure the successful delivery of partnership projects
- Represent Swissloop at external events and meetings
This role offers an exciting opportunity to gain experience in partnership management, while contributing to a meaningful project with a significant impact on the future of transportation. As Partnership Manager, you will have the chance to work with a dynamic and innovative team, and network with industry leaders and experts in the field.
Related Interests
- Networking and relationship building
- Communication
- Writing
- Partnership Management and business development
- Networking and relationship building
- Knowledge of industries and markets
- Project Management and coordination

Job Description
In Public Relations, you are responsible for:
- Writing the Newsletter
- Communication with the Media
- Writing articles about Swissloop and our progress
Related Interests
- Writing
- Journalism
- Communication
- Team work
- Communication with various people and organizations
- Writing different types of articles and texts: attention-grabbing, general, technical, descriptive, etc.

Job Description
You are responsible for:
- Creating social media content
- Prepare all the sponsoring posts
- Keeping up to date with all mentions of Swissloop on social media and LinkedIn
Related Interests
- Social media
- Marketing
- Communication
- Managing coherent social media appearance
- Communicating with sponsors for approvals of content etc.
European Hyperloop Week Committee

Job Description
In Program & Content, you are responsible for:
- Program development: Timeline and schedule
- Speaker and content curation: Identify and invite industry experts, thought leaders, and innovators as speakers and presenters. Encourage individuals, companies, and research institutions to submit abstracts or proposals for presentations, demonstrations, or posters.
- Define locations of the event all along the week: inauguration, teams’ presentations, demonstration day, public day.
- Coordination of transportation between all location
- Establish a review process to select the most compelling contributions and to evaluate all content
- Provide feedback and guidance to speakers and presenters as needed.
- Create the working schedule for the EHW members during the week.
Related Interests
- Event planning
- Communication
- Organization
- Content development
- Industry trends and research
- Program development and management
- Speaker/partners coordination and management
- Time management and organization
- Collaboration and networking
Expenditure of time
About 4-5 hours/week.

Job Description
In Marketing & Communication, you are responsible for:
- Creating a good atmosphere of communication between EHW and the general public
- Create Social Media content
- Writing Newsletter
- Managing the website
- Developing merchandising (design and ideas)
Related Interests
- Social Media
- Marketing
- Journalism/Article writing
- Communication
- (Design is a plus)
- Managing coherent social media appearance
- Communicating with sponsors for approvals of content etc.
- Communication with various people and organizations
- Writing different types of articles and texts: attention-grabbing, general, technical, descriptive, etc.
- Attention to detail and time management
Expenditure of time
About 4 hours/week. Can become around key deadlines like delivering of template for merchandising

Job Description
In Event Production, you are responsible for:
- Develop a logistical plan: facilities for the pods storage, track building/storage of dangerous equipment.
- Create useful tools for the event: attendee registration, accommodation, catering, audio-visual equipment, on-site support staff.
- Managing the link between EuroTube, EHW, and the participating teams (technical documentation, questions…)
- Identify potential risks or challenges associated with the event and develop contingency plans. Ensure proper health and safety measures are in place, including emergency protocols and risk mitigation strategies.
- Strong coordination with the Engineering side, to develop requirements on locations, safety guidelines from the rented locations.
- Ensure smooth operations by establishing communication channels, implementing a ticketing system.
Related Interests
- Communication
- Event management and planning
- Technical logistics
- Safety and protocoles
- Event planning and execution
- Venue and vendor management
- Logistics coordination
- Attention to detail and time management
- DemoTube
Expenditure of time
About 3-4 hours/week. Can become more just before the event

Job Description
As Partnership Manager, you are responsible for:
- Identify potential sponsors and partners for EHW
- Build and maintain relationships with existing partners and sponsors
- Negotiate and secure sponsorships
- Form strategic partnerships (merch, technical, food…)
- Sponsorship/partnership tracking
Related Interests
- Business development and relationship management
- Communication
- Industry trends and networking
- Sponsorship and partnership acquisition
- Networking and relationship building
- Knowledge of industries and markets
- Communication and negotiation skills
Expenditure of time
About 4-6 hours/week. It is one of the most stable positions in workload.

Job Description
In Engineering, you are responsible for:
- Staying in touch with the teams/people participating in the event and be available to answer their concerns
- Managing every technical submission from the participating teams.
- Evaluating and creating good feedback from the submissions.
- Developing the pool of jury members
- Establishing the competition rules (i.e. technical & safety requirements, judging criteria, etc.)
Related Interests
- Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical,…)
- Event planning
- Advising and evaluation
- Integration of discipline
- Various engineering concepts
- Team management and coordination
- Technological advancements
- Design and structure considerations
Expenditure of time
About 4-5 hours/week. Can become more around key deadlines such as technical submissions.